Bulk Clause Extraction for
Smarter Financial Decisions

Upload, Analyze, and Extract Essential Contract Details in Seconds -
Simplify Your Legal Workflow Today

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We help companies centralize their contracts in a smart repository

Review your contracts 3X faster with Claus

Bulk process agreements and look for relevant clauses. Export summary to a .csv for better reporting.

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How can Claus help you?

Claus is a small yet powerful tool that helps you find important clauses in your contracts and extract them into a structured data format. This format can be used effectively for reporting purposes.

Who is this for?

We designed this tool to help Finance and Operations leaders manage contractual obligations more efficiently. Like our main platform, Contractbook, we aim to assist smart, modern businesses in centralizing their contracts to save time on contract management.

Is it free to use?

Yes, we initially built this tool for our internal use cases, and we believe others can benefit from it as well. It’s also available as a standalone tool for Contractbook customers.

Is it secure? What about my data?

Your documents are processed by an LLM with data residency in the EU. We retain the files and the results of the analysis for only 24 hours, after which they are removed.